Ready to take your business to the next level?
NAWBO South Jersey membership offers you the opportunity to access the power of an established community of women entrepreneurs and business leaders. When you join NAWBO South Jersey, you become a member of both our chapter and NAWBO National.
Once you register, you will receive a welcome packet with benefits information from NAWBO National. You will also be added to the NAWBO South Jersey mailing list so you can stay up to date on all upcoming local events and programs.
Membership Dues and Categories
Membership to NAWBO is in the name of the individual, not the company. There is currently no category available for company/organizations. If you are interested in benefits that will apply to all associates in your company, please consider a corporate partnership.
Premier Member
Member receives all communications and publications, is eligible for all discounts and benefits, and is listed in the online member directory.
Chapter membership is automatic for those whose businesses are located in a chapter area. To qualify for membership, members must own a percentage of their company. Those outside the 45 mile radius of a chapter qualify for a NAWBO – Virtual membership.
Voting Member : Voting empowers our members to directly impact the current and future movement of the organization with policies and processes.
$360 per year or $29.95 per month
Introductory Member
Member receives all communications and publications, is eligible for limited discounts and benefits, and is listed in the online member directory. Chapter membership is automatic for those whose businesses are located in a chapter area. Those outside the 45 mile radius of a chapter qualify for a NAWBO – Virtual membership.
Introductory Non-Voting Member
$240 per year or $19.95 per month
Supporting Member
An Individual or Non-Profit Organization who subscribes to the objectives of NAWBO and wishes to lend support to NAWBO through membership. This category of membership includes limited discounts and is listed in the online member directory.
The individual does not need to be a women business owner and this category includes students and retired women business owners.
Supporting Non-Voting Member
$480 per year of $39.95 per month
All new members in each category have a $100 One time initiation fee.
Click the link above to visit the NAWBO National website for additional information on membership categories and registration.
If you have questions or need more information about a NAWBO membership, contact us at