Help Page

Instructions described below:


Adding Member Spotlights:

Updating the Member Directory:

Adding Events:

Adding events is actually more simple to do via Posts > Add New, located in the admin sidebar to the right. When adding the post, include your information for the event:

  • Title
  • Location
  • Time
  • Any detailed information

Lastly, there is the option to Add to Calendar — this is crucial, and allows your blog post to show up on the events calendar. Click the panel tab labeled Calendar, navigate to the specific month and click the day you need. A new popup will appear, allowing you to choose the time, or if it is an all day event.

Make sure that the Featured Image is chosen — this is the image that displays both on the home page blog feed, as well as on the calendar when it is clicked on.

Sometimes a registration link will need to be added. There are two ways you can do so:

Create a Link

This is the most common method of adding a link, and applies to anything you may need a clickable link for.

Type out your text for the link – often this can be Click Here to Register or Click Here to Visit the site. Next, highlight your text, and select the chain-link button from the editor options above.

This will produce a new popup for you to post your link into; when you’re done, click the blue arrow to finalize your clickable link.

You’ll know your text is a link, because it will be highlighted in blue, and if hovered over will show the URL it leads to. For example, this link goes to google.

Create a Button

Though not as pretty, it is more eye-catching than a mere link. Place your cursor when you would like to add your button. Next, select the button icon from the editor tools.

This will make a new popup appear.

  • Link: This is where you place the URL for the button. Make sure that http:// or https:// is included, or else the link may cause a 404 error.
  • Type: This is where you can choose the button size between big and small.
  • Color: You get a selection of basic colors to choose from.
  • Content: This is where you control what the button actually says. Often Click Here to Register is used.
  • New Window: This determines if the button opens the new page in a new tab in the visitor’s browser. If the button will lead to another page on the site, leave it as no. If it will go to an external website, change it to yes.

When you are done, click OK.

Schedule a Post

If you would like to schedule a post in advance, you’ll want to look at the Publish tab to the right. By default, you will see the option to Publish Immediately. 

To schedule a post for the future, select the Edit button on the same line. Here, you will see the option to select the specific month, day, year and time you want your post to publish. Upon clicking Ok, your blue Publish button should change to Schedule.

Post Expiration

Post expiration can be applied to any post or page on the website. To activate, click the checkbox Enable Post Expiration. Here, you can choose the Year, Month, Day and even the hour and minute  that the post is expired.

For how to expire, it is recommended to leave the post as Draft – this makes it so that the page is not visible to the public, but it is still available to admins for future use if needed. If you are confident that it will no longer be used, you can choose the dropdown to Delete.

Sometimes you will need to change the category of the post, but that is covered in the video for creating member spotlights.

Post Thumbnail Editor

The post thumbnail editor allows you to edit the appearance of the thumbnail in places like the home page blog feed. This is useful for if an image appears weird — whether stretched or cropped oddly. When a featured image is already added to a post, often the option Post Thumbnail Editor will appear. This also will show up when viewing images in the media library.

Clicking this will allow you to select size options. Click HomePage Blog Feed, then click into the image — a new box will appear with the proportions require for the thumbnail, letting you click and drag the box to select whatever part of the image you want. When done, click Crop and you are done.

Most of the time, this option is not needed.


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NAWBO South Jersey is looking for NAWBO members to serve as committee members

Note:  Only NAWBO members can sign up to serve as committee members.