Member Spotlight: Mariel Giletto

For the July Member Spotlight, we are featuring Mariel Giletto, a corporate attorney of Parker McCay P.A. and chair of the corporate and business law department.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your business:

I am a corporate attorney currently serving as the chair of Parker McCay P.A.’s corporate and business law department.  I was raised by a multi-generational family of women entrepreneurs. Growing up in a small business household and being raised by working mothers and grandmothers influenced my decision to become a corporate attorney.  It also gives me a more holistic understanding of my clients’ challenges. My practice includes the representation of a variety of business models, including small start-up companies, non-profits, small business, family organizations, as well as large, multinational, publicly traded corporations.

Do you have a business tip or tool that has helped you in your business to share?

Never say “No” or “I can’t.”  Clients want someone that can get the job done.  Working hard pays off in the end and your client will appreciate the effort.

Do you have a quote to share and inspire other members?

“We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes — understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.”  Ariana Huffington

What is your go to business, mindset or productivity book that has helped you in your life and business that you’d like to share?

I see failure as part of learning therefore I am not afraid to fail. Regardless of the outcome, each decision you make moves you forward. You are making the best decision you can at the time given the information available to you.  So, you should feel confident in that decision. Even if it turns out to be the wrong decision, you took action, you can learn from it, and you can move on.  Too often, people freeze when making decisions, which limits their ability to move forward.  Failing to move forward stifles your personal and professional growth.

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