Diane Silberman

Business Name: Clothes To You ( URL )
Email: Contact
Phone Number: (856) 795-4792
Business Category:Retail
About the Business:

I have been involved with fashion for over 30 years. I've had a passion for clothes forever. In 2005, I established my personal fashion consulting business, Clothes to You. I provide a modern, fun, knowledgeable approach to shopping and personal style. My boutique carries unique designer clothing, as well as accessories for stylish, busy women on-the-go. As a Fashion Stylist, I can help you get through the daunting task of selecting what is right for you. Most of us barely have time to figure out fashion trends, let alone decide which are most flattering, most achievable, and within our budget. I can put together a wardrobe for a client or find some key pieces to add to an existing wardrobe.

Part of my success is having a keen sense of style with a creative eye and constant flexibility with all my clients. My business rewards me when I'm told that a client has received compliments on their clothing - they feel good and I feel good that I had a hand in making that happen.

My goal has always remained the same - to help a woman find her "natural look," whether it's for business, casual, or special occasion.

Member Since: 01-04-2017
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