January Spotlight- Shannon Slamp
For the December Member Spotlight, we are featuring Shannon Slamp, Ruotolo, Spewak & Co..
I am the Director of Client Solutions for Ruotolo, Spewak & Company. I handle the firm's bookkeeping and payroll. For RSCO, I process all the tax returns for our clients. I have many hats at work, and I thoroughly enjoy the diversity in my daily, weekly, monthly tasks. One day I could be invoicing and the next I could be helping a client resolve an issue. I relish any chance I can get to work with clients helping them in any way I can. This aides our professional staff as well, it frees up their time to work on the audits, tax returns, etc. Ruotolo, Spewak & Co. has been hands down the best job I've ever had. The partners and staff are like family to me. They have been flexible with everyone when it counts.
- What tip or tool has helped you in your business?
I would say the best tip or tool I’ve found by working at Ruotolo, Spewak was to always bring a pen and pad of paper to all meetings. I know it sounds simple but you would be surprised of how many interns I’ve had to teach that didn’t write any of my instructions down. Also, another simple one, just ask for clarification when you don’t understand. It’s so easy to take a second glance at the task and its so much better to ask for help early versus doing the work and then realizing you didn’t understand it. - What’s a favorite quote that you’d like to share & inspire other members?
My mother always told me, “Tomorrow is another chance to start again.” This is something I think people should remember. Just because something happened today, doesn’t mean it has to be that way tomorrow. I’ve had a hard day and then I come back into the office with a clean slate for the day. It’s another chance to right wrongs, to see a task from another point of view, or even mend relationships. - What is your go-to business, mindset or productivity book that has helped you in your life and business?
My mindset has always been to work hard no matter what I do. Whether it’s staying late or coming in early to finish a project, or double checking for errors, I am super into competency. I expect the same work ethic from my staff as I give. At home or at work, I am usually trying to keep busy. I feel accomplished when I know I’ve gotten all my work done.