Lisa Carney – Member Spotlight

For the August Member Spotlight, we are featuring Lisa Carney Retail Agency LLC.

What would you like to say about yourself and your business?
Our agency is a hometown agency, yet we can service 4 states – NJ, PA, DE, and VA. Our philosophy is to make our clients smarter about their insurance by making sure they know what coverage they have, and why they have it. Our agency offers business, personal lines, life, workers comp, RV/motorcycle/boat, landlord, and renters insurance along with annuities. Let us look at your risk management needs so that we can develop a plan that fits you, your family, and your business.

What tip or tool has helped you in your business?
Listen, listen, listen. Through your conversation you will learn all you need to know to make sure you are acting in the best interest of your client, but listening to what keeps them up at night is the key to making them comfortable working with you for the long term.
What’s a favorite quote that you’d like to share & inspire other members? "Integrity is never being ashamed of your reflection." David Cottrell

What is your go-to business, mindset or productivity book that has helped
you in your life and business?
In the ever changing world of risk management and insurance, the premise behind "Who moved My Cheese" by Dr Spencer Johnson has always kept me thinking productively and evolving as I have grown my company. I know there are many books out there for productivity, but professional, societal and personal change are ever present in my life; I never want to be resistant to positive change.

Tell us about your next upcoming business event so that we can share it with our members and followers.
As the Immediate Past Chairperson of the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce, I am always excited to be the Flag Sponsor at our annual golf outing. This year it is at Riverwinds Golf Course in West Deptford on Monday, September 13, 2021. It is always a great time, and a great day for networking!

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