Save the date for the 2019 Board Installation and Annual Meeting on October 3.
Click Here to Book Tickets!Featuring keynote speaker, Kimberly Reed, Founder of the Reed Development Group.
We are pleased to announce the Board of Directors for 2019-2020:
President: Meggan Ciaccia
Immediate Past-President: Anne Caruso
Secretary: Karoline Moxham
Treasurer: Chelsea Carter
Corporate Sponsorship: Kate Dohn & Sharon Dunkel
Marketing & Public Relations: Rae Pastore & Audrey Wiggins
Diversity: Denise Davis & June Sernak
Advocacy: Suzanne Ghee & Mariel Giletto
Events & Programming: Andrea Boscaglia & Lynda Furnari
Membership: Liz Bechtel & Bridget Wiese