Small Business – The Strength of America
Congratulations! Your business has survived the pandemic and may even be thriving. You may have accomplished this through ingenuity, digging into your own pocket or utilizing the SBA Disaster Loans, PPP Loans, or assistance from the NJEDA. There have been some industries affected more than others which has changed the landscape of small business. Drive down main streets and you will find vacant buildings and lease signs. Challenges remain as inflation, interest rates, personnel shortages and supply chain continue to stress business owners. We cannot ignore these issues and hope for the best. However, as a business owner you are not alone. The New Jersey Small Business Development Centers (NJSBDC) and our many resource partners are available to assist you. While we do help startups, most of our clients are established businesses who need assistance with operational issues, marketing strategies to increase revenue and loans to expand. The NJSBDC has eleven centers throughout the State providing no cost services to help you achieve your goals. You can find the NJSBDC that services your County by visiting the website I have been working one on one with small businesses for over twenty years and have witnessed the fight, determination, and creativity of entrepreneurs and am confident small businesses will continue to be the strength of America.
Bob Palumbo
Regional Director
New Jersey Small Business Development Center
Rutgers School of Business Camden