Microaggression in the Workplace 

by Dr. Valerie James, UNSugarCoated, LLC. 

Recognizing microaggressions can be difficult. It is often overlooked and underreported in the workplace. It is understood as a subtle form of discrimination that can have a powerful and damaging impact on individuals in the workplace. Microaggression behavior are small comments, gestures, or attitudes that reflect negative stereotypes of marginalized groups of people. It is often based on a person’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, dialect, or other characteristics they may have. Microaggression can be subtle, unintentional, and even hidden, but they can still be hurtful and damaging. 

Microaggression can take on many different forms in the workplace, such as making assumptions about a person’s abilities or intelligence based on their identity, making dismissive remarks, or using language that implies superiority or inferiority. Microaggressions can also manifest in the form of exclusion from conversations. 

More times than often the impact of microaggression in the workplace can be profound. It can create a hostile and unwelcoming environment, leading to feelings of isolation, exclusion, and even depression. It can also undermine the ability of an individual to succeed in their job, or even lead to them leaving the job altogether. This can create a ripple effect, as other employees may feel discouraged by the lack of acceptance or fairness. Equally, it can create a hostile and unwelcoming environment, leading to feelings of isolation, exclusion, and even depression. 

Overall, microaggression in the workplace can have a powerful and damaging impact on individuals and the overall workplace environment. UNSugarCoated, LLC is a company that is ready stop this disrespectful behavior with tools that can help companies recognize this form of discrimination as one of the goals is to create a workplace that is inclusive and respectful for everyone.

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